Sunday, August 15, 2010

YOG organisers promise better food, but is this enough for a 25-year-old volunteer?

STOMPer YOG volunteer is upset with the small portions of food given to YOG volunteers, even after promises from the organisers to imporve the quality of food.

In an earlier posting by STOMPer Fox, he talked about how dismayed he was when he saw the small servings of food given to YOG volunteers, even when they worked so hard.

STOMPer YOG volunteer said in his latest email yesterday (Aug 14):

"SFI and the YOG committee assured us a few days back that the food quality would improve.

"However, I am dismayed that no action has failed to materialise from this debacle.

"Are the organisers getting complacent and taking us volunteers for granted? Today (Aug 14), I arrived at ECP for a YOG rehearsal at slightly after 9am.

"I did not have time to have breakfast and so I had to wait till after the rehearsal for lunchbreak at around 12 or 1pm.

"And this was what greeted me. What appalled me even more was that when I asked for a slightly larger piece of chicken, the servers told me bluntly 'Sorry... this is standard size.'

"Great, so no breakfast and when I tried to get a larger portion for lunch, they refused.

"Are they saying a 10-year-old volunteer has the same nutritional requirements as a 25-year-old?

"Are they saying everyone needs only a 'standard size serving'?

"YOG you better wake up your idea."


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